I forgot to post my Nick log yesterday. It was relatively brief. He only came by to fix and/or replace the smoke detector that began spontaneously going off without provocation (or smoke or flame). I think it must have been a DIY fix it job, because it went off again today when I made toast (despite no actual toast emergency).
There was also the friendly visit to show me the sludge in a neighbor’s pipe, as I sunned myself on the patio. (He felt it necessary to provide visual evidence of pipe accumulation (and it’s apparent negative effects, since he was taking apart a sink in another unit). I belief that clear and clean plumbing is the man’s ultimate life’s work.
Today brought Nick to finish painting the hall bathroom, which had begun, I think, during the place’s vacancy. Some might argue that would have been a good time to finish it.
I’m not sure how, but painting the hall bathroom engendered a trip to the master bedroom’s bathroom, and once again we revisted the important ground of not clogging any pipes at any time with any substance. (There was indeed evidence of M.’s hair in the bathroom, a source of much concern for its thick, luxuriousness.)
Nick now advises that since we can’t trust M. to adequately clean the bathroom, I must check it every morning when he leaves. I suspect the hair vigilance work is mine, because I have the two X chromosomes, where M. has that special XY pair that frees him from mundane, household chores.
The irony of all of the hair discussion (there was also evidence of mine on the counter in the hall bathroom pre-painting) is that for him to find our errant hairs, they have not gone down the drain and destroyed his plumbing.
Other than today’s housekeeping lecture, I spent today researching and going to temp agencies. I figure that office work, even of the temporary kind, is more lucrative than the slacker retail work I was thinking of getting.