I might have just clocked old. At least when you’re the one holding the
coats while the young people do something active.
The activity is ice skating. Iwas thoroughly sated of that activity in
my own youth. The Morrissey’s flooded backyard and the Lewis’ pond were
enough for one life.
I moved to Cali expressly to avoid good-natured dicks ‘splaining how
fun, fun, fun winter sports are. I might even prefer water sports.
hmmmm ice skating now whats that all about
stand in a couple of bits of metal and make silly movments till you fall on the cold stuff and it bloody hurts
its so pointless yoiu might as well walk around a sodding square in the cold
but no you can do it to music you can ice dance sorry im not convinced it dont work i bet it was invented as a means of ridding the population of the terminaly dim ie go play about on that frozen pond till the ice breaks and you drown
there is no other reason nope none
file ice skating in the boring box never to be opened again
happy mid winter
and talking of the pagan festivals i m looking forward to tonight all them women dancing around skyclad should be interesting the weather forcast is minus 5 for southern UK
i bet there nipples are like scammell wheel nuts bit like tescos chilled food dept on a summers day
o well rambled enough for on day
sorry about the spelling but i cant be arsed to wait for the spell checker
and grammar is some one we dig up when theres a family meeting
water sports hmm isnt that a nice way to tell the boyfreind that he stinks and need s to wash or am i just being disgusting here
as the realy bad poem goes
whip me please whip me and Piss on my head
dont be so daft love you will ruin the bed
very interesting, but I don’t agree with you