Not much, just working

Today’s episode of free things at work that make me smile: Pluots,
aka a trademarked hybrid of plums and apricots.

Not only do they stock the place with fresh fruit, but a lot of it is
the kind of fruit that you see cruising the produce aisles and itch to
try, but you don’t want to drop a few bucks on the thrill ride for
fearing of strange fruit rotting on the counter. So I get my fix of
weird and fresh and fruity at work and tend to bug M. a little less on
the impulse buying. (I have to say, I do hold against him quite
bitterly his impulse control while shopping. Well, unless there’s
Spam involved, then all bets are off impulse-wise.)

Speaking of M., I’m figuring how best to showcase my next world-wide
web mocking of him. I mentioned in a recent post that his cowboy
fashion leanings put him one step away from riding a mechanical bull.
He scoffed and suggested that my artistic license had crossed the line
on that one.

Two days later, he is in fact riding a mechanical bull, and silly,
silly man gave me the pictures to prove it.

I’m almost sad I didn’t go to this week’s SF LinuxWorld. I’ve seen
many a geek sweating to Dance, Dance Revolution. But, a mechanical
bull? That’s funny.

My own cowboy will be uploaded to the old weblog tonight, I think.

By the way, I now have pictures of M. dressed as himself, as a sailor,
as an armed militia wannabee and as a cowboy. Does it make me gay if
I’m living with someone who could all by himself comprise a Village
People album cover?

Talk with me. Please.

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