Before I headed west, a few folks I knew from comedy in Boston headed out here. I ran into one of them a bit back, and he said he wasn’t really digging it here, and he missed Boston. He’s staying, but only because his desire to be with his fiancee outweighs everything else. And now, I’ve heard, another one of the native is heading back home, Back East.
M. says he’s not surprised, something about the East Coast and people hanging close to their roots.
But, what about me? I can’t say I’m homesick. I’m pretty home neutral. There are particular people I miss and maybe some New England classics. I can’t find Pepperidge Farm bread at all, let alone my favorite breakfast swirls, like raisin cinnamon. And, I can forget about steamers with drawn butter and a cold one at an outdoor fish place. These people don’t know from steamers.
At the end of the day, though, the people are a trip away, let alone phones and email. I can live without the food, because the tradeoff is fresh fruit and much better sushi than anyplace in Boston could touch.
Maybe I’m just too shallow. There’s no drama in my daily living here. No pining, yearning, whining, wishing. It’s all without affect.
Besides, did I mention my new job is all about free snacks?