Apart from attending a street fair and sleeping and junk, we were at the beach. And, then we were at the beach some more.
Here’s why the street fair out here in our new community is the bomb.
It rivals Cambridge’s many street fairs for variety, people watching and street food. But, it kicks it’s ass with the availability of not just wine and beer but actual booze in the form of a fog cutter. Cocktail on the rocks in a commemorative glass and tzachkes, including the new toe rings I had put on my right foot to replace those lost in a tragic foot rubbing incident. (OK, foot rubs are necessarily good not tragic.)
Also of interest is that the Hells Angels of Daly City maintain a booth. I never suspected motor cycle clubs for street fair esprit.
This year included the new and exciting sand castle contest. Silly me I expected it to be on the beach, where the sand is.
Technorati Tags: beach, California, fog, ocean, Pacific_Ocean, Pacifica