Nothing cohesive

I have a few thoughts in my head (like “why are my feet so cold?” and “it’s both thrilling an daunting to write massively large checks to contractors, knowing that I have the cake to cover but not wanting to lose said cake.”) but nothing much to write about, I fear.

My website focus is off me, momentarily, as I work on a website for a couple of friends I know. I know/knew almost zilch about Java, and I haven’t even tried to think like a programmer since I took a course in BASIC circa 1981 high school. However, I’m trying to do some crash home schooling enough to paste some shit together and make, I hope, a neat effect.

Anyone out there reading this shit, knows about mouseover stuff in Java scripts, , and who wants to give a chick a hand, give me a holla. (I don’t think any plea for help in my sad little posts has ever been requited. But, I am an eternal optimist, so I press on and beg again.)

Other than that, I have been informed by a certain individual that these virtual pages lack a sparkle of positive goodness and happy thoughts with a slant more to pessimism and darkness.

To rectify, I write only this: I like my boyfriend (most of the time), and I’m happy he makes me laugh.

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