Not much left to be said out on the world wide web about Stephen Colbert’s performance at the White House Correspondents’ shindig. If you lack the wherewithal to find the streamed video (or you noticed you can’t find it on, because the NSA has thousands of other amateur videos to stream, here it is from the Democratic Underground. And, thanks to the Daily Kos, there’s the transcript.
My only point in posting this stuff, ‘cuz I got nothing more to add, is fuck yeah, Stephen. I’ve seen a lot of professional comics (I’ve also seen 100 times more shitty comics), but I’m only talking about the real fucking good ones. When the shit has gotten tough, and some folks in the audience have stared them down, every now an again even the best one folds like a card house. It’s hard out there on the stage.
You throw in drunks, because the folks I work with in the power elite tell me it’s a drunken hoedown of a black-tie function, and the Leadear of the GODDAMN Free World staring feet away. It’s a tough fucking gig.
Colbert looked good, though, and my liberal bias tells me that was some A-1 politicking type satire.
Seriously, Colbert is so good at being Bill O’Reilly and the rest it’s unnerving. I bet old GW went home arguing with Laura whether some of that shit was true.