Nuremberg trial

Back in my old life, the one of sweating on the east coast, toiling for pennies and dancing like a monkey for unappreciative researchers in the medical establishment, I came to hate people. Well, actually, I’ve always hated people. I was born to be a misanthropist, because after all plenty of mouth-breathing members of the human race suck.

To the specifics of my current hating, I used to hate folks so assertive or aggressive that you were always having to deal with their demands. Yes suh. No ma’am. Please, sir, may I have another. Someone, somewhere, somehow was always trying to keep m in my place and tell me what to do. Detestable for sure.

Now, though, I have a new target. The uber-accommodating. Fuck you, nice people. Seriously.

If I always have to take action or make a decision. If I have to keep things moving. If I need to check in with you. YOU are not fucking doing anything. If you aren’t doing anything, you are in other people’s way. Get out.

There’s an assertion to apologizing and deferring. Strike that, there’s an aggression. It’s passive, as in passive aggressive, but the whole dance of “Oh, you decide, don’t worry about me, oh, you take care of it, I don’t want to be a bother.” All of that takes a lot of energy to do and more energy from me to accommodate. Here’s a thought, fuck the pleasantries and pitch the fuck in and share.

Worse yet, nice people, I now am going to accuse you of being good Nazis. You see, if you spend your time deferring to others without hesitation or judgment there’s a more than average chance someone more fucked up than you is going to use that very quality. So, when you find yourself holding the door open for a bank robber, your stupid has wandered into criminality. Part of every day, grown-up decision making is calling a pig a pig and a spade a spade.

If all arguments are equal, all situations relative, you might as well have gotten your nice little brown and tan outfit and practiced your goose stepping.

Ah, pointless ranting, I feel better already. I’ll just wander back into the realm of hating and/or getting annoyed by everyone.

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