I’ve been trying to decide if I can make a joke out of something that’s been in my head. But, it’s so much a part of my alley cat morals and is perversely dark enought I can’t tell if it’s only funny to my pathetic soul, rather than an audience of normal people.
Towhit — After spending a few days with the geographically distant man in my life, I’m depressed that my vacation brings me back to my celibate existence. Being in a serious relationship with mutual caring is nice and all, but I almost wish I were alone. Then, if I wasn’t getting any, even if there was no man on the horizon, I’d have hope. I mean, when you are single, you just never know when you might be able to get laid. Any stranger on the street might be the one to scratch that itch. Guy at a bar, man at work, cab driver, the list is endless. Every day brings fresh prospects, being alone is hopeful and positive. But, in a relationship? Where’s the promise of a future, the hope?
OK, it sucks, and it (I hope) doesn’t exactly ring true. But, goddamnit all to hell, it is darn tough knowing for absolutely, for sure, that this girl ain’t be getting any something something for friggin’ months.