This one will be quick and boring.
I hate award shows, but sometimes I watch the Oscars. Tonight, the incentive was, of course, John Stewart. I love John Stewart and wanted to see whether he was able to throw in some politics. The audience seemed restless, but I laughed out loud a few times.
The strangest thing for me isn’t watching the show. It’s that the show started at 5 p.m. It’s only 8:30 p.m. or so now. While it would have sucked to have gone to a glamorous party (if I ever were to be invited to one) so early, it rocks for my lazy Sunday.
Other than that, today is the anniversary of my last day in Cambridge. I drove through once since leaving, but I didn’t stop, I don’t think. I didn’t see anyone, I know that.
A fucking year since I ran away from home. OK, not ran as much as strolled.
I did my last comedy show at the Brothers Walsh. I think it was that roast that rocketed them (maybe not rocketed, but, like, led slowly a year later) to their show at the HBO Comedy Festival in Aspen. In honor of my anniversary of leaving Boston and the honor of their getting some “industry” attention, I plan to throw up a couple of clips of the last show.
It won’t highlight their comic genius, as much as their drunken rambling.
Hey Dee-Robb, Well I did go to an Oscar party tonight. Pretty much the thing I was most concerned about happened-people nattering to me about irrelevant stuff while I was trying to pay attention to the big screen. The oueres douvres were really good. The swag bag was okay. We set up base camp and then people came and went as they saw fit. It was at the Bay Tower room, the views were great.During the commercial breaks there were fashion shows with genuine Boston Models. All in all a good night, but my feet hurt.
And, oh yeah, those Walsh kids would be nothing without you ! Ungrateful gnats !
Well I don’t know why I still watch the Oscars.
Actually, I do. A good friend of mine has a party each year and we all watch in disgust and make lewd comments. We’ve chased out any and all serious guests over the years. Sweet.
I thought Jon Stewart was okay. When I heard the Jimmy Caan reference it seemed apparent that Bruce Villanch is still writing for this show.
UGGHH! But in case you didn’t know that Bruce Villanch is hilarious, well, the wacky red frames bring it all home baby. He is ZANY!
Is there another industry that enjoys sucking it’s own dick as much as this one? I stayed up late enough to see Lindsay Lohan’s take on the festivities.
What a treat.
Before Dave chimes in with one of those posts that starts with “You Yanks..” and ends in a jumble of constenants, let me just remind him that Yahoo Serious has like 3 BAFTAS on his mantle.
Over and out.
AHHH thats the ceremony where the golden anal sex toys get given out to the overpaid
pretentious tarts isnt it
ooooo luvvie
you were sooooo wonderful
still we all need to be liked
or was that licked
i know which i prefer
ice cream anyone
as for real comic genius
try this for size
laugh my tits are still hurting
Great link Dave. I laughed so fucking hard, I immediately stopped laughing.
Have you thought about adding “From the country that brought us Bean, it’s…” to the front of your name?
My tits don’t ever hurt from laughing. Maybe you’re doing it wrong or your shirts dont fit.
More importantly, yay! Dot and her glamor. Read more here.
Actually, my tits do hurt, but not from laughing. That foundation garment wasn’t letting nuthin’ loose !