I’ve spent a huge chunk of my weekend working on this possible portal or this other possible portal page.
Basically, my idea would be a non-commercial, non-affiliated space for Boston (and/or elsewhere) comedy that is more than a discussion board. Although, obviously, a bulletin board makes sense to have.
The reasons for doing this space are twofold. First and foremost, I’m just fucking around and trying to teach myself some stuff about building a website. But, secondly, even though Boston (well Cambridge) already has The Comedy Studio website, it is owned and operated by the club, so it has a necessary commercial bias. I’m an unaffiliated whore in the market place, so there is no slant here.
I think I like the first portal better than the second. They’re both great, tho.
I’ve been thinking about putting together an online newsletter for comics…stuff like new gigs, new bookers, interviews with bookers, you know, professional stuff. If I can figure out a way to syndicate it, perhaps it could be included?