
I haven’t mentioned anything political for awhile, so here’s something. I don’t fucking care that Reagan finally died. Lord knows how exactly vegetative he’s been for god knows how long.

And, you know what, I thought he was a suckass president then and I think the same way now. I hate all of the wonderful looks back on his great legacy. Anyone else remember Iran-Contra, calling the Soviets the Evil Empire, smashing the air-traffic controllers union, ketchup? If I didn’t have things to do, I would write concrete examples of why he wasn’t one of the fucking greats.

I will continue to call the National Airport in DC, “the National Airport,” as well as any other thing that gets named after that B-actor, “great communicating” asshole. By the way, a friend of mine made a funny/sad observation in all of this mourning — Back in the days of Reagan, you never could imagine a stupider president. Now, Oh, God.

One thought on “Politix

  1. penguinista3

    Ronald did grant amnesty to immigrants. Bear in mind, I admire strategy and communication skills not necessary share the same values and politics.

    Smarts? Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy and Clinton….hands down.


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