Post mortem

I suppose I ought to say something about April’s Fool Day, since I used this space to lie.

Well, over here on the Comedy Studio Kvetchboard a group of folks, who have computer administrative privileges for the bulletin board and whatnot, decided to mess with the heads of the everyone else. For weeks, they have been creating characters and angry and controversial dialogues (or actually monologues, since the fake characters were often fighting with their real selves or other fake versions), and fomenting dissent and all. Then, boom fake controversial peak, so the board is shut down because the kids have gone too far…blah blah.

Was it a great prank, or a complete circle jerk? Depends on who you ask. For me the real show was the countretemps around the perpetrators trying to keep their shit together and the prank victims, who began to smell a fake well before the scheduled finale. I’m actually shitty at pranks myself, and I succumb to the dynamic that was beginning to topple the whole deal — the growing hubris as you get away with shit, which makes you do more, which increases the likelihood you’ll trip yourself up. I lie best when I say the fewest words. Turns out, I’m not alone.

So, I decided I needed a little counter-prank of my own. Rather than playing that game on that playing field, I used another field and game. One thing was clear the pranking gang’s paranoia was rising yesterday, as they realized the outside world was getting wise. The number of hits in my stats from all of them was off the charts by the end of Wednesday. Was I going to write what I knew, had figured out, or had talked about with other not really duped folks? Since a couple of them would probably care about me enough as a friend, I used the traffic to lie about my dumped ass via the cruel hand of M. Thankfully, not only a lie, but he laughed a little when I told him what I was doing (although, he is truly understanding that comics are fucking insane).

My plan was then to use the diversion to coordinate a few cloaked troll attacks from willing conspirators. But, when the first foray was dispatched pretty negatively, I lost my interest/desire, so I didn’t bother posting anything. I figured it was much easier to work the emotional angle and be the hurt one with a real life problem in the middle of the circus.

I like the role of Camille. If I learned nothing else from my mom, it was how to convincingly play the sad victim. It worked for a while, and that’s enough for me.

Like most pranks, all of it’s more stupid than funny. I think people like the planning more than the execution, anyway.

The only downsides for me were I did fuck all at work, and it reinforced for me why I don’t really care for a couple of the folks in the comedy world. Some people are always kidding, even if they sound mean spirited, some people say “just kidding” when they are really just mean spirited. Not a profound lesson, but pranks kind of predicate on assholic behavior.

4 thoughts on “Post mortem

  1. Dee-Rob

    Of course, but I also think there was such a mishmash of shit that not funny buried some funny.

    And, I don’t know why you guys scrambling when we were on to you is not considered part of the prank, too.

  2. Murray

    It’s not the not being in on it part. Every prank is kinda circle jerky. It’s that a) when they got caught they(and I’m lumping together for the sake of brevity) acted like it was an outragethat someone would fuck with their joke. When I gre up, if you were gonna be pranking people, you had to be either really fucking good, better than everyoen, or you had to run really fast. Part of the fun challenge of pranking is getting yourself out of a corner when you are caught. The worst thing you can do is freak out, because then you are admitting you’re caught. Also, like I told Tim when it was all over, I was really like, “is that it?” it was kind of a lame ending for all that build up.


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