Procrastination and frittery

I did manage to upload a couple of chunks of pictures from the weekend here and there.

I also wrote a bit for myself. But, other than laundry, happily I did rather little.

There were a probable cormorant and some kind of turtles on the same log in the same wet spot near an actual lake.


In honor of fallen heroes and assorted other deceased, I did what every other American, possibly literally every other, or maybe every third, did. I ate charred meat with friends. Enjoyable. Out-doorable.

And, the least suspected showed up sporting a wedding ring. Last time we saw this particular friend, he showed up with a girlfriend that no one had predicted. Where we expected traditional and Chinese, actually Taiwanese, the girlfriend, now wife, was decidedly neither. They took it to the next level.

I love it when folks you think you know surprise the pants off you.

Talk with me. Please.

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