The tile guys of prophesy are just about done (at least a day and a half sooner than promised in the scripture of the contracting company that didn’t want to be too pinned down on a timeframe). All that’s left for tiling is a threshold between the shiney new tile and the hallway floor and a soap holder in the shower.
Seeing something other than beams and insulation fills me with something akin to hope.
Behold a pic of the promised land of bathroom miracles:
(By way of comparison and a reminder here’s what I used to have:
Speaking of progress, I finally deleted the contact info from my Palm and computer address book of the folks from the workplace I cannot name. The reason for the review was looking for a Christmas card list. Goodriddance to bad rubbish and on with a new year!
Awesome. A great start to a New Year.
So when can you shower? Are you getting a pedestal sink?