Raindrops, whiskers, whatever

My version of that Sound of Music bullshit dollop of sentimentality, “These are a few of my favorite things,” is a thunderstorm on a late Spring night. The colors were varied, and there was one huge boom that shook my house. On top, I had a nice hot cuppa decaf tea in bed (OK, the fact that it was decaf just makes me feel old).

Otherwise, I’m late weighing in on the Iraqi prison abuse. My only thought is “Way to fucking go,” you really showed them that we are about a civil society with rational discourse. Fucking hell, you morons. And, Bush keeps rolling the fuck along with a huge warchest to help him try not to be a one-term president. Hey, anyone reading this shit, are you with me? Let’s vote the motherfucker out. You hear me?

Meanwhile, the international embarassment has actually gotten worse. Yeah, I know, I’m quoting the friggin’ post (from a week ago no less), but after various scandals at the “Old Gray Lady” it’s kind of hard to figure which NYC paper is really the one of record. But, proving that you can never really peg just how stupid folks can be, soldier extraordinaire Lynndie England keeps going past her 15 minutes of fame.

So, the Islamic fundamentals believe themselves so much our moral superior, we all should collectively die and spare the world from our immorality plague. And, what do the clever soldiers figure will break them down? Screwing in front of them. Jesus Christ, what could possibly have made that seem like a good idea? There’s probably an geometric progression of wingnuts from the Arab world signing up for the grenades and duct tape body suit after that PR blitz. It’s just so freaking embarassing.

Meanwhile, because freedom of speech is just another word for nothing even stupider to go unsaid, you have folks like these citizens. What’s behind the prison scandals? The homos. Yes, of course, that makes perfect sense.

I wonder why the people who are most against the freaky-deakiest shit, like the religious right and whatnot, are always picturing the absolutely most pornographic stuff. I have met too many boring people, who also happen to be gay, to believe it’s party all the time in the gay marriage tent. And, I’ve met some nice “normal” married heterosexuals who are into far weirder shit than the gay boogie man these folks are always imagining in the bushes. I would imagine that the same statistical sick fuck quotient exists as a percent distribution among homosexuals as it does among the rest of us. (And there are gay people looking at that 1 percent or whatever, and thinking “Jesus, Bob, you fucking freak, you’re making my skin crawl.” I also imagine that the people who are looking to get married and settled down are not for the most part the frightening fringe.

You know what the punchline to all of this bullshit is. I bet any amount of money the anti-gay faction actually rubs elbows with perfectly decent (but deeply closeted) gay folk each and every day. But, they don’t even know it. (Shhhh. Hee hee hee. No one here but us chickens.)

I fucking hope beyond hope that the collective hatred of the middle of the country to Massachusetts doesn’t queer the deal for Kerry (yeah, I’m ashamed of that pun) and hand Bush the election. That would just plain suck.

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