Regretting lost time

Damn, we should have moved a long fucking time ago.

Life couldn’t be easier with the new set up. Ten minutes down the road from work means that it’s only 8 p.m., but I’ve already swung by the gourmet grocers with pre-made food for working types, microwaved, eaten and had a nice cup of tea and some graham crackers.

I realized that the downside is I have infinitely increased the odds I’ll run into coworkers. The shit end of that stick is I swore that this time around I would punch the clock and make no waves and no dent in the work place. Gliding through unnoticed, that was my basic strategy.

‘Course, that kind of became a ill-fitting dream when I started toil at a place with <100 warm bodies. Not to mention I would’ve needed a full frontal lobotomy to keep the personality thing on the simmer. I ain’t actually very good at blending.

But judging by the invitations to go out for drinks with my new neighbors, the work environmet is a tad less backstabbing blood and gore producing as the former work. I still hate planning and sitting through meetings. But, shit if I haven’t totally missed for years now the kind of karma that produced these couple of posts.

Talk with me. Please.

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