Remind me why I moved here

I came to Cali in search of a new “lifestyle” ‘cuz I heard they had those here. The new me, the reinvented life, was to include a low-stress, work-a-day life. The kind of bill-paying, day gig that keeps groceries and rent and shit like birth control off the welfare dime but fails to rob the soul through fatigue and burning pressure.

So, why, oh why, oh, woe is me, why did I bring work home tonight? Granted the task tilted toward the editing, writing, formatting shit I don’t suck at. But, still and all work, it was grind bespoiling the home ‘puter.

I’ll be needing some white sage and a purifying ceremony to bring the creative writing mojo back to the MacBook.

‘Tis done, and now I shall sleep. ‘Tis done, and I will get paid a bit for my troubles.

I must also remind myself it is a temporary glitch to the overall plan. You see, my extra work is directly proportional to a colleague’s need to scuba dive in Latin America. My day will come and payback is certain.

For now, I whine, winge and weep.

Talk with me. Please.

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