Rest for the wicked = none

After a late night last night, I managed to get into work without that much trouble to toil away. But, despite my best intentions the tangible results were almost nil. Nada. No product. No value in the market place. Just soulless struggle.

Today’s Sisyphian task: Go through a spreadsheet 6,378 rows deep by 7 columns wide (that would be 44,646 cells, motherfuckers) and find the 50-100 or so changes you have been requesting in one form or another for the past several months. The challenge: Contain yourself from filling in the column labeled “WHY CHANGE IS NECESSARY” with because the software gods decree your inability to get it right the first eight times.

Oh and by the way, is it somehow wrong-minded of me to think that the most efficient method of correcting categorical codes is PROBABLY NOT TO dump all of the data into a spreadsheet sorted by a somewhat random numeric code and make human eyeballs scan it?

Come on you stupid douchebags responsible for giving the world and programming DEMONware fiasco, what’s the matter with you? Every single thing I manage has a scientific person who runs it, ‘cuz, you know, it’s like their work and stuff; that’s how they know whose friggin’ name to engrave on the Nobel Prize. SOOOOOO, let’s just say, what if instead of identifying everything as 0002224438i73rabcdefg1234007account12 under that person, we just call those Sally’sthing? I know who Sally is, and I remember her name without effort. If you sorted a spreadsheet of >44K by Joe and Sally and Jimmy and Yvette, I could like find them no problemo. But, if you make it 0002224438i73rabcdefg1234007account12 ,0002224438i73rabcdefg1234007account123,0002224438i73rabcdefg1234007account14,0002224438k78rabcdefg1234007account15, I’m going to have to ask you to cram it. Hard.

Talk with me. Please.

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