Resting and relaxing, sort of

My comedy calendar is back down to zero after a flurry of activity. Thank fucking Christ. When I have a bunch of shows in a row, I start hating on comedy. Especially, unoriginal guy comedy (of wish there are boundless examples, but I’ll spare you).

I just get so weary of your average white boy espousing “truths” about his average white life. You know the thing about “the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation?” Methinks, Henry David spent some time at comedy clubs.

Actually, he also wrote “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.”  I’m pretty sure that nails it, he must have done open mikes.

Softening the snarky, I found this only on the web type discussion.  It makes me feel better about the thousands with untold stories who I will strive to not judge.  But, all in all, on the comedy front, it makes me wish some people’s little lives were quieter.

If I were still in Mass. I’d head to Walden and think about this shit.

Talk with me. Please.

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