Revisiting June 28

There were some technical glitches on this website, and the promised video took a bit to get on up there.

I just relived a significant chunk of the SF Comedy Club contest from June 28, 2006, and you can too by clicking on this here link.  Truth be told, it would suck some powerful marrow out of your lifeblood, and they’d be some hours and minutes you just ain’t getting back.  But, live the magic.

If you want to see me, I’m at this link.  Go ahead, rate my performance.  At this point my ego is either super strong or shredded, so what’s a few stars.

The true criteria to judge of course, as this woman might attest, is the outfit.  For comfort, this outfit rates high for a comedy show.  I felt comfortable, everything seems to fit, nothing glares, and for my mind, the shiny peace sign peaking out of the jacket adds a certain je ne sais quoi.  Sadly, the angle of the camera, shooting from above my 5’3″ frame in a kind of Citizen Kane homage, adds a bit more junk then I’d like to claim in the trunk.  In particular, my thighs are not in real life so saddle-baggish.

For outfit ratings, this clip does pretty well, all things considered.  But, she’s the massive nose-bleeder, and in my not the least bit humble opinion she sucked a fair amount of comedy goodness out of the room with her originality.  I then followed, and none of my shit rhymed.

This guy, well his outfit speaks for what it is.  It is what it is.  He’s the goon who did a whole end-zoney excited YOW’ing and high-fiving awkward thing when he won a spot to continue in the contest.  Watch, learn and as Fox News would say, I report, you decide.

Oh, and if you watch and enjoy the last one, do me a righteous solid and explain the funny.  I just don’t understand kids today.

Last note on outfits.  Very Bay Area, if you could only see the boots.   Imagine this in black:yeti[newline]

Talk with me. Please.

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