Rock on Mr. and Mrs. Plame

Brilliant.  In a country where the courts and checks and balances and all sorts of quaint ideas have shit the bed, sue the bastards.  How beautiful is that?

GWB proudly became the MBA president who’d run us like a CEO (which in his case meant running shit into the ground, like he did with his businesses).  How do you take businesses down?  Sue, Sue, Sue-dio.

I wanted indictments.  But, this might be fun.

Thank you Mr. Joe Wilson and the woman known as Joe Wilson’s wife.  It’s a little bit of a smile.  Sure, I did want justice, and the whole affair reeked to high heaven.  But, something is better than walking away unscathed.

Not to mention, in this fucked up business model of a country we left that used to have something like a functional system, if there were indictments, no doubt they’d exit the stage a la Ken Lay.  Heart attack or the ultimate Teflon maneuver?

Talk with me. Please.

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