Scared of Oscar

Two moments struck a bit of fear tingling in my spine, as I watched tonights Academy Awards.

The first — I swear to fucking god, I heard a Clash song hawking the latest Cadillac SUV. I got over Iggy Pop and Caddy commercials, if only because Iggy’s still alive. And, I’m sure he appreciates the joke inherent of punk rock and Cadillacs juxtaposed.

But The CLASH, man oh man. Joe Strummer is somewhere moaning away in a the peat of his grave and rolling.

The second moment of fear and dread was Melissa Ethridge accepting her Oscar. Rock on Melissa and congrats and all. But, honey, when you start saying that you were working with love and all sorts of nonpartisan goodwill and all, no red, no blue with Al Gore, I just don’t want to see the backlash.

That’s just the kind of soundbite that’s going to keep Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity erect for weeks. And, I knows you don’t want to be responsible for the woody of angry right wingers. Think about your wife and children.

Talk with me. Please.

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