Why can I know longer hold my head up and stay awake come an evening? I eat dinner, I fire up the ‘puter fully intending to write. And, then, I realize my neck is snapping back from dropping low and I’m wiping drool from my chin.
Once I was robust and full of life and able to remain conscious. Now, I just fucking need a nap.
I had the a similar problem last night. I came home , threw a load of laundry in , had dinner, took the laundry out , started a pedicure and fell asleep with the toe separators still on my feet. I woke up at 1 AM. Today, when I looked at my handiwork, there was an impression from the fabric of the sheets on my big toes. They weren’t even dry when I nodded off ! The point I’m making, I didn’t even check my e-mail, I was too tired. I sympathize. . . .zzzzz