Slurs I like

Someone accessed my website today, because they searched “I hate chinks.”

Just to be clear, I don’t really hate chinks, gooks, queers, dykes, micks, harps, hebes or bean eaters. I like the words, and I like the people.

And, I have to say, I especially like “jaundy boys,” a term I only just learned.

I could live without Guidos.

Oh, and if you are a racist asshole like me, this site is very helpful.

However, I have to point out that “Herring Choker” was part of my youth, and there were no Scandanavians to taunt, so I disagree with the website.

I always took it to refer to either a generic, “mackerel snapper” kind of reference to the Roman Catholic Friday fish habit (which my Catholic mother, who distrusted most clergy including the Pope, insisted was an economic decision out of Rome favoring fishermen who are all RCs, except for maybe in Japan) or the Irish fishermen who ended up in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. For some reason I can’t follow, the urban, Boston Irish immigrants in my family tree would look down their noses at the herring chokers from Canada (who also alledgedly were recognizable by their fat ankles and buried their dead vertically by hammering them into the winter permafrost). Of course, in that same fine parsing of meager superiority among trashy immigrants, no one seems to know (or talk about) where I got my very French/French Canadian sounding surname in the midst of the more typical Irish American names.

Speaking of Canadians, they are lame. On the same racial slur website, they refer to Americans as Hot Dog Eaters. Fucking creative, eh?

6 thoughts on “Slurs I like

  1. Uncle Jerry

    Pat was wrong ,pretty much, about fish on Friday.After 1519 Spain and all Spanish posessions received a dispensation from the no meat on Friday edict.Most fishermen in Europe were Protestants in Norther Europe and England

  2. Uncle Jerry

    IN the Boston of my youth the herring chokers were pretty much a separate ethnic group.My mother said that on Saturday nights the one boat Irish(to use Tip O’Neiils’ term) used to have dances at Hibernian Hall on Dudley Street,the two boaters used to have their dances down the block at Intercolonial HallFather Tom used to point out(he was a very tolerant and intelligent person)that. they worked harder He said when he temporary priests at his summer chapel in North Scituate the chokers were quite willing to get early and say the 7 A.M. masses. The straight Irish wanted to say the noon and 1 P.M. masses.
    Even the 1960s my friend Tom Sheehan was a state Rep from Neponset. He told me that there was a guy named McGill with Nova Scotia roots, running against him.”Naturally he will get all the herring choker vote,” Tom said quite mattter of factly

  3. Dee-rob


    How can purebloods stand talking to my family? You got to figure Pat married spawn (pardon the pun) of the herring chokers. Unless Pat’s French rope makers in the South Shore ruse holds water.

    And, I’ll forgive your typos once you receive the email I just sent with your name spelled wrong.


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