Someone scheduled me to interview a prospective employee at 8:30 a.m. I don’t usually show up for work at 10 a.m. So far, that extra 1.5 hours means a geometric progression of suckiness to the day.
The guy was pretty smarmy. He interrupted me a few times to tell me I should be perfectly frank with him. Yeah, of course, because everything fucking about me shouts that I am timidly holding back. Let me see, do I know how to be fucking frank? You mean, like, I should speak freely and not edit myself and shit and perhaps be direct. OH, Mr. Man, I’m not sure little old me can do that, sir, because, you see, sir, I might say something wrong, and, you know, I don’t want to offend a big important man like yourself, sir. But thank you for telling me it’s OK and that I can trust you, because I worries so much about the men folk and whether I can trusts them. (Ironically, given that last line, I do have a few trust “issues,” but we’re not talking about me right now.)
So, sure, dickhead, thanks for the permission. Now, wait a minute, I’m the one interviewing you, so, yeah, thanks for the fucking permission. I was so worried what I should say to a guy I may never see again, thank you for putting me at ease.
All people in this organization on this day, regardless of how much more caffeine I try to pump into the fragile and aging ecosystem of my body, can just bite me!
Ya know he is gonna get the job… and be your boss. Life sucks that way!
I dedicate this evening’s cutting to you Brian for that thought. Fucking Christ NO!
I do have a secret weapon, thankfully. Enough cash on hand to relocate far the fuck away if that happens.
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