Something about the date

I was thinking of writing about September 11 after driving into work and listening to Howard Stern rebroadcast his show from five years ago today.

But, what the fuck could I possibly add to the dialogue.  Here's my take:  I got shit to say.  Terrorism is shit.  US foreign policy shits the bed.  That's all I got.

Instead, I offer the world this photo.  It ain't an olive branch, but it provides me hope for something.  Something like a world with more Doug Henning.


One thought on “Something about the date

  1. dvae see its spelt wrong

    wazzup couldnt you get him more thrusting forward you know trying to stick his out into space as it is hes all to one side like a lil girly
    a couple of guns in his hands might help or was it just a matter of you couldnt get the timing right

    still i liked it better than the usual blurry phos u take and a zillion miles better than the usual winging bleeding heart stuff that usualy follows the 11/9 bollocks
    my only question on this is the good ol USA realy wanted to get a country to capitulate why the fuck dont they nuke em our tone would love that chance to stock up n build new nuclear power stations
    still have fun
    vd encrusted ed


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