Soundtrack to my life

I’ve started editing a new animation. The sound will be based on a series of sketches I did for my last Cambridge comedy show. The sketch, in turn, is based on my experience in my last Boston job.

I hope the true talent of Dorothy Dwyer comes through in the vocals.

3 thoughts on “ Soundtrack to my life

  1. Freemblap

    Why does it always come down to the crudest level with wimmin? Geez!

    I did enjoy both of your performances although, I understand the employer’s missgivings.

    Never put it in writing as a rule.

    I’m sure Ms. R’s graphic descriptions of murder(funny as they are to some) scared the bejesus out of whitey.

    Perhaps if she was Blac…er African American (is that even right? Gosh.)
    she might have skated.(or been incarcerated)

    I love Pam Grier movies. Films if you will.

    That’s a whole other topic.

    That piece of crap was good.


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