Speaking of phobia..

Scylla and Charybdis, that’s what I’m saying. I am of several minds whether to write at all, knowing that there is essentially blood in the water (forgive the vivid, corporeal reference), but I have to ask myself in the end what will serve me best?

Here’s the deal. I have a job. At that job, I spend an enormous amount of time, and for the most part I believe the quality of my work is frequently unparalleled. I have a bizarre attention to detail and comprehension of context, both of which generally serve me well. And, I have workaholic tendencies. For better or worse, I am more than willing to roll up my sleeves and work until the work is done, regardless of the hour of the day, or far too frequently, night. Several people seem to appreciate that trait, quite a few enjoy working with me.

I have gone to lengths to not mention my employer here by name. The stories, the diatribes are actually intended to be non-specific; they are amalgams of people and personality types, not actual walking beings, and software, systems and meetings, those are universal themes. I have generally minimized any specific mention of work and the actual entity anywhere on the worldwide web, except if I had something positive to say. (I would link to such an example on a public bulletin board, but if you keep reading you’ll easily discern why that ain’t happening.) I have met some truly wonderful people, who I will always respect enormously, no matter what I think of the organization overall. I have made friends, I have worked on good works and for that I am grateful, because really, sometimes that’s all you can get.

Moreover, I do not provide co-workers with my website URL or use my website email, and, unlike most people with whom I work, I rarely use my work email for personal business. I also don’t advertise my writing (or comedy shows) at work, although I have invited to shows people who I have thought, perhaps mistakenly, were friends. (Good God, think of the trust issues I might have had before that I had entirely separate emails, etc., and imagine them now.) I try as best as I can to keep work and my private life separate, although it’s difficult to be fanatical in a world filled with ordinary people not robots.

But, here I am right now, pondering my future right now. Why? Because I am on administrative leave, pending an “evaluation” (presumably of the psychiatric kind). Apparently this site (full of who I am as a character, as a writer, as a stand-up, dedicated to my writerly view of the world (and I mean view, not action plan) and more than anything else helping me to create a voice worthy of publication, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes successful overall in creating something from nothing) anyway, this site has been found by my employer and deemed threatening. I don’t know who felt threatened or how they found me. (Although, by performing publicly, I cannot be truly stealth.)

I will say this one thing, even though as a stand-up performer and writer it goes against the grain of everything I have done in the name of art and communication, I apologize to anyone frightened or intimidated or concerned about me as a violent threat. My response, feeble as it may seem to anyone who perceives such things, is IT’S A JOKE. IT’S A FUCKING JOKE. This site, my writing, my life, my stand up, it’s all about finding humor and creating something positive from this little whorl on the planet. Get it.

I thought about removing the site, but for now it stands, while I think through some decisions.

9 thoughts on “Speaking of phobia..

  1. Pingback: Boston Common

  2. Jodi

    I found you via my good friend, Kyria Abrahams, in case you’re wondering.

    I hope you don’t take down this site. I’m extremely picky about what I read, and now that I’ve “found” you, I want to read all your stuff.


Talk with me. Please.

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