Speedway connectivity

Finally, I have my laptop getting the ‘net off my cell. Of course, the cost will end up crazy, no doubt, because who the fuck knows how many MBs are transferred when you do stuff like, I dunno, write bullshit in a weblog.

I started uploading some photos here, though.

My favorite pics so far are the ones of various grime in the Youngstown Tallyho motel. Tonight, I’m staying at some place called the Baymont Inn near Indianapolis airport. It’s a real hotel type of place with brand-name soap and towels worthy of stealing, and nothing veritably guaranteed to cause flesh crawl.

In Youngstown, I didn’t even throw my dirty socks on the floor. I kept thinking if life was a CSI episode, I’d have the spray bottle of Luminol and a black light, and I wouldn’t have slept at all in that bed.

I figure if I alternate between really shitty accommodations (short of camping) and halfway decent ones, I’ll end up with more stories/impressions for the same average amount of dough. Plus, if you stay in a room that’s $70 with an AAA discount, it’s so elegant and wonderful compared to a $30 shithole, you sleep like the princess sans pea. I’m getting up early for the breakfast buffet.

Talk with me. Please.

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