Strategery or hating?

Even though a certain someone hadn’t “made a decision,” on Monday I figured it was safe to wear my designer-y, artist-y, subtle-y Obama shirt from this place’s closing in my neighborhood sale.


I do realize that deep down I’m a dark-souled, bitter racist, but for a little while, I’m going to feel a little glimmer of light in my evilness and hope that the Dems don’t fuck it all up completely by November.

There’s a lot of common wisdom, and maybe I’m using that word loosely, that Hill had the power position with her win at any cost Clinton heart. (And again, using “heart” loosely. I figure she has a mechanical device rather than something fleshy and well, human.) And, again, common thought has been maybe American ain’t ready to punch a chad, touch a screen or pull a lever for a real-live African American. You know, a “black man.” Ooooh.

I’m a sister in the feminist wars who dreamt of the ERA passing as a girl and got weepy over that abortive legislation. It would have been cool to vote for a woman. But, Jesus fucking lawd almighty, she didn’t exactly make a sister proud.

I admit, though, this primary season a huge part of my beef is with her husband, a fact that makes me feel a little bit better and a lot a bit worse. If Bill could have shut the fuck up, and not acted the provocateur, I think it would have gone a long way to making her seem, I dunno, ah, presidential or something.

Mostly, I’ve been worrying, though, was she the strategic candidate? The one with enough known about her to be able to fend off grinding GOP politics. The one with the “experience” and grit to fight a political cage match. That’s the worry, right? That all of those “hardworking Americans, hardworking WHITE Americans” Hillary courted could vote for her a white woman over any black man. She’d take a beating but stay in the ring long enough to slug it out.

In discussing this kind of party politics with M. over dinner, he did force an interesting point. Is fear of losing a good enough reason for a minority to sit it out? Does change ever fucking happen if you stay on that path?

If I forget about prevailing wisdom, if I let go the fact that most Americans can’t wrap their heads around words like “madrassa” and “Hussein” without confusing the Taliban, Al Qaeda and the Mid East with the much larger non-Arabic chunk of the Islamic world, maybe I can roll with the notion Obama might win. I guess I’ll have to wait and see, just like everybody else.

By the way, I think the Kennedy comparisons are a bit over the top. But, one funny thing I’ve noticed by going to places that have Muslims, and have for longer than U.S. history, is that there are plenty of folks who are born all Islamic and shit who don’t let it bother them too much. Like the Kennedy brothers back in the day, who raised eyebrows in case they couldn’t balance government work with the demands of the papacy, there’s a lot of dumb, uninformed shit about the other god going around.

As the web and conspiracy nuts freak about Obama’s Kenyan dad or Indonesian step dad and their religion, you got to remember Joe and Rose Kennedy. Sure, Rose like a lot of novenas and rosaries in her day, but her husband’s religion was money, power and getting things done. Obama’s mom didn’t even stay married to the scary religion.

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One thought on “Strategery or hating?

  1. evad

    today we went to the arty farty bit of london
    i bought a peter blake
    and an abigale lamb
    we met peter briefly he was hurried so i got a hi and hello
    best bit was i got a cunt sticker for the back of the car
    sallys going to write driven by a over the top
    the swedish blonde who sold it too me was impressed
    try searching for car boot brick lane 2008 to see what we got up to
    im too drunk to sot it out
    and i know you dont like the c word but its a c in the congestion charge logo and u not take is a what it meams
    good ole boris
    bing on the bikes


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