Tag Archives: running

M., the champeem

M. finished another marathon. The San Francisco Marathon. To see himself at dawn on Sunday, when it began, on into Sunday midday, when he finished, please go to my photo galleries at either http://dee-rob.com/zenphoto or http:://picasaweb.google.com/FarfromBraintree.


(I think the before shot looks a bit like it was shot way before. Like 1980s before. Boy band 80s.)


(Looking good for having just run 26.2 miles and walked around a bit. His mental capacity was a little slow. Just like I like a man. Although the pants-load awkward strut of stiff knees was more funny than hot.)

Hoping and waiting

M. decided a fine way to spend the first Saturday of the month running at various elevations over an “extreme” distance of 50 Kilometers, which the internets tells me is 31.07 miles in American.

What the fuck? I say. I’ll give M. credit, the man gots guts.

His cell phone is dying, so last I heard he’s stopping at, I think, 25 miles. The bitch of it is it’s a trail run in the woods, so there’s no room for spectating. Worse yet, thanks to the fucking oil spill from the cargo ship that “bumped” the Bay Bridge, I can’t actually drive any where near the race. They have shuttles. But the shuttle schedule on the web site is thrown together and clearly written for the runners.

So far, the wilderness challenges, which seem to yank M.’s crank more than your nice suburban 10K trots, run in a vague state of disorganization. Clearly, they’re planned by runners with good hearts rather than event planners with keen sensibilities and mad organization skillz. Throw in a oil spill and closed beaches, roads, parking lots and trails, and well, I get to sit on my ass and wait and see if M. gets a shuttle back to the hotel where the shuttle picked him up at 5:30 in the fucking a.m.

I hope the boy’s OK. And, I hope the knee pain reported to start at about mile 16 is minor and fleeting.