There’s a whole lot of shit I haven’t written out and tried to make all funny haha. But rest assured there are teeny little glimmers of ideas bouncing in the vast, empty expanse I call my skull.
The best I can do:
– M. has taken to getting T-shirts altered to his particular likes.
– M. makes me laugh. Very, very much, in fact too much, like myself he struggles with his individuality. We both think we blend in a very low-key one of the crowd way. We don’t.
– It looks like folks from a few jobs ago, and number 2 entry in my spectacularly fired from workplaces trilogy, might show up at the show I’m hosting.
– Oh yeah, did I mention I’m hosting a show. Comedy. Funny. Come on by.
– Next week we head to Singapore and Malaysia. I’m beginning the obsessive compulsive phase of traveling. It begins with list making in my head. I also am quite concerned that my underwear is ready for the international challenge.
– Apropos the item above, my guilt is sinking in. I mentioned a desire to see the rain forest. I believe this wish will be met, but that accompanying us will be a subset of M.’s clan. I had no intention that my whimsy would result in forcing his mother to a long march in the jungle.
– Since Chinese is way above my intellectual capacity to learn, I thought I’d try Malay. I have one week to actually take the book off our book shelf and learn a language. Good planning.
– Our guide book to Singapore says the slang for white person is “Ang Moh” around that neighborhood. I think it’s Hokkien. I asked M. for the word for “fat,” and it sounds something like bu-yo. I’m going to be listening up for “bu-yo ang moh,” because this visit I’m chubbier and whiter than before.
– If I hear a universal “Holy Shit” when I get off the plane, I know the prior item is correct.
– Finally, there’s a whole slew of shit about work I could bitch about. Suffice it to say — People is C-R-A-Z-Y (and generally, they annoy me. People, all of them, that is.)