I did our taxes today. It kind of blows, since we both owe some deniro. M. actually was close to even, more or less, considering his success of the year.
Me, though, I was in a special kind of stupid with the federal gov’mint. Not only do I have to pay them some cash money, but I have to pay a $3, come them, uno, dos, tres, three singles, as a penalty for underpaying. What the fuck? I ain’t never had to pay a penalty before.
What kind of bullshit is that exactly? If I got the same amount as a refund, would the federal government of the U.S. of A. have to pay me an extra $3. Yeah, I don’t think so.
I guess the bright side is it means we are employed enough, and doing well enough, and liquid enough to have earned taxable income and be able to afford to pay. Compared to say being unemployed or flat down busted broke, I guess it will have to do as better.
It would be a little easier to swallow if the country wasn’t trillions in debt in the middle of an endless, stupid war. I’m not so much anti-tax, ‘cuz I believe all that shit about a great society, and whatever you do to the least of your brothers, yada, but these days it just ain’t faith-making.
Anywho, life shall go on, even if the coins jingle a little less in my proverbial pocket.
Other than that, I’m started to full on freak out about the upcoming trip to Africa. Whilst it’s nice to put another pin on another continent in the imaginary world map in my head, I have to admit trekking the world fires up my neuroses like nobody’s business. Strap on injections for the exotic like yellow fever and pills for malaria, let alone the way too fucking long flights to Amsterdam than Kampala, and I’m downright skittish.
Adding to the fear factor, my co-worker has suggested post official work stuff we go white-water rafting. The highlight there is if I don’t drown, or cause a raft of tourists to smash against the rocks, I’ll have the bragging rights to have ran the rapids at the source of the motherfucking Nile River. Yeah, that Nile.
And, there will be chimps. Yes, there will be chimps; it is not quite certain but as close to locked guarantee as one can get chimpanzee-wise.