It started to rain around midnight. Why? Because the deities weep for me. I am 42 years young as of midnight.
If I stayed East I would be even older by 180 minutes.
For a bunch of frustrating stops and starts and pervasive angst, I am ded-dog tired. Fucking exhausted, and should be sleeping. Sleeping away the milk and honey job that toils in the same mire of any other work to restore myself to tomorrow’s onslaught.
It ain’t totally the “fresh hell” that Dorothy Parker inquired after, and my last job most certainly was. Nope. But it can blow like any other thing with work or job in its name.
On the side of weird, though, as my current employment lives ina bizarro plane, I did lunch a bit with the president and the CFO. The rule is on free lunch days, cuz there are no stringless free lunches, you must make some effort to converse with your fellow man. The lunchroom makes me nervous for that reason. But I was beckoned to join with ranks above my rankness. And, so it goes at 42.
aaaa 42 the answer to life the universe and everything and lunch with the CEO could be worse our canteen is full of bloody surgeons most days and you get to listen to some grim stuff about putting legs on backwards and the like
still they pay me and for that i am eternaly greatfull
Thinking of you today.
Yay! Happy Birthday !!! The 40’s are the best ! Please do something nasty with your hot Asian boyfriend! Eat Lots of chocolate cake !!!! (Unless you don’t like chocolate birthday cake) (Oh, and it’s not sexual, I often think of food and sex. .. they are good friends) Happy Birthday Dee-Robb !!!!!!Happy !!!!!
Happy Birthday, D!