Hey it’s almost the weekend. But, in the ranks of the unemployed, so the fuck what?
Before going to bed last night, I was going to write an in depth and stunningly astute essay in regard to the arts versus crafts. It would have been brilliant and forced you to weep with its insight and intellectual bravado.
Instead, I got distracted and oddly fascinated by some porn spam in the comment section of the previous version of this ‘blog. It was distracting, because it looked very much like a real comment. The URL it gave was an actual address from blogspot.com, a real person blogging site. But, when you hit that address, by magical elves you’re redirected to some filthy, filthy site.
That was the distraction, the fascination was the redirect to a glorious glory hole site for straight men. I’ve heard about holes in men’s rooms and whatnot for gay men to anonymously insert their organs and get pleasured from the anonymous, spontaneous other side of the wall. But these were holes in women’s rooms that were at least made to look like gas station bathrooms. So, these chicks were sitting on the toilet in not overly stripper slutty outfits, and, boom, wiggling through from the other side ventured some anonymous willy. Next thing these girls are rolling on the floor, sucking like it was an oxygen tube on the bottom of the sea and generally cavorting and stripping with the flesh dangled through a hole in the wall.
I was fascinated because my credulity was stretched beyond tolerance and snapped right in two.
I’ll give you that somewhere in the universe there is a woman who may not jump, at least startled, if not completely horrified, at a dick coming at her through a hole whilst copping a squat. What do I know? I startle easily. I might even give you that somewhere in the universe there is a chick whose instincts might say, “Hmmm, there’s a cock in that wall, I’m going to suck it.” Again, what do I know, right? I can’t speak for all women.
BUT, I feel comfortable saying there is no woman alive who would jump up off a toilet, where she was presumably located to urinate, and not check herself, wipe herself or do anything involving hygiene or whatever before commencing the dick sucking.
More importantly, it was depicted as a gas station bathroom. Few chicks are going to sit on the toilet. NO CHICK is going to rip off her clothes and roll around on the floor, just because there’s a dick in the wall. The floor of a public bathroom? Nahunh. Never.
Besides, why strip all of your clothes off, the anonymous flesh angler can’t see you.