The big, bad world invades the dream

I’ve been kind of living a half life, since the fact that I have moved hasn’t really sunk in to my skull. It’s more like an extended vacation than an actual reality. (Of course, getting a job will crash that little idyllic bubble.)

But, as M. and I wandered around the San Jose Flea Market, where I bought avocados and garlic and tangerines with the leaves and stems still on them, because it’s not a cold and muddy March in Boston here, the nasty, cold, cruel world intervened. We came back to my car and the rear driver’s side window was smashed.

No big deal, really, since glass is insured and at 60 degrees the breeze was fine. Most importantly, the alarm must have scared the ne’er-do-wells away, since my GPS and iPod carelessly left in the car (but not in plain view) were in tact.

Honestly, if I had lost the GPS I would have cried at the violation. The GPS has greatly affected the possibility and ultimate success of this move. Having my own car with me has been fabulous, and having a GPS device, which allows me to find important things like the nearest Target, gas and Bed, Bath and Beyond, has provided a degree of autonomy that makes me a far more pleasant person.

Tomorrow, I guess, will bring me at an auto glass shop and picking up the last of the staples I require to feel secure (baking soda, baking powder and salt). After that, I must seek employment and toil here in the Golden West. (Picture Grapes of Wrath without the devastating, grinding poverty.)

Talk with me. Please.

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