I went for a pretty long walk yesterday. I like it when the town shuts down, and the streets look all old-timey from only having bundled up clusters of people and almost no cars.
Cambridge Street (which is most often gridlocked) looking west toward Inman Square and the sunset
No “Live Poultry Fresh Killed” yesterday
I put all my pictures from the snowy weekend in an album. You can either go to photos.dee-rob.com and choose the first album (with a catch name like “Snow, January 2005) or you can go just directly to that album here.
There’s a couple of the surreal, moonscape, artsy, bullshit view I like, too.
By the way, the shit that was open by 4 p.m. yesterday when I was strolling I think gives a little insight into the world. Throughout East Cambridge, the one constant in emporia open for business was liquor stores and/or quickie marts that sell beer and wine. Maybe it was the Pats-Steelers game or maybe it was what began completely clear during the years I spent in Syracuse, NY. There ain’t nothing to do in that much snow except drink away the boredom.
Socio-economically speaking and without picking out any one group, along Cambridge Street it also seemed like the non-European, ethnic restaurants were pulling to get there sidewalks and doors cleared for dinner. Thinner margins or more industrious?
Then I got to Inman Square, and a lot of stuff was open there, the S&S Deli, Bukowski’s, Inman Hardware, 1369 Cofffehouse, all the liquor stores and a few of the other markets. I figure that’s ’cause dirty hippies don’t know any better than to stay home and drink. Besides, it’s probably warmer at the 1369 than their bohemian, art and grafitti-soaked, patchouli-stinking lairs.
I gots myself a latte, surrounded by my people.