The March to Death

It’s here! The big 4 – 0

All in all, not so bad. Waking up on a sunny day with my arms around M. with not much to worry about today, it feels alright.

I do think his forced march of last night was designed to make at least my legs feel OLD. But, hey, it least I got some fun sushi out of the deal. (I was going to link to the sushi restaurant, but this is much better.

Big shout out to the chubby from the East, who have given up rice for fries.

2 thoughts on “The March to Death

  1. penguinista3

    let’s see, we have spent time in Boston/Cambridge, New York City, San Francisco, San Jose and Santa Cruz. We are raking up the miles.

    The walk was good workout and the boat sushi was great. 40 is great especially for those that looks younger and healthy…you are both, last night proves it.


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