Leastways, it won’t be on CNN.
We watched the “historic” YouTube debate tonight. My first take, wow, this is only a bit less irritating than a “town hall.” There’s something about the regular joe public voice, or the pre-selected version anyway, getting tossed up there and then reworded, clarified, whatever the fuck by the TV personality host that always kind of kills me.
Are we really getting closer to democracy and people and populism and all sorts of shit? I doubt it. Although, before Cooper Anderson stepped in a couple tims or so, some of the questions were interesting. Here’s Salon’s take.
Toss up on my favorite moments — But right now Mike Gravel is leading in the poll inside my head. CNN’s transcript misses the tag line, but the Democrat from Alaska apparently didn’t just take a train to get there, he also grabbed the bus. Overall, he won on the I’m-an-old-man-I-can-be-cantankerous fun ticket.
Gotta love his cajones for standing firm on the troops dying in vain in Vietnam and doing it all over again in Iraq.
I’m tired of the whole troop supporting thang that makes quagmires honorable. I get it, don’t get me wrong you can’t blame some punk kid from Mo-Town or wherever the fuck getting his nuts blown off in the desert. But the bullshit of the Whitehouse and the Pentagon and all does smear the soldiers.
Best falling all over themselves to appeal to the common man moment was watching everyone talk about their public-schooled children. Or fucking Biden, playing the “hey my wife was killed” non sequitur card, mixed with the I loves me some one holy and apostolic church Catholic cred, so yeah, parochial school for his kids.
Dude, my dad died, and I did alright at the public high school.
Or, maybe it was the would you work for the minimum wage pandering? Can’t decide what inspired me more in my love/hate of American democracy.
Good old Barack Obama, though, got in a couple of good reality checks on both questions. He might as well have said, “Who the hell we fooling, we’re goddamn rich and priveleged?”
He’ll never be president, but every debates needs a bit more of the little Kucinich. Text P*E*A*C*E everybody. It won’t send a message to anyone, but Dennis will keep you posted on the war still going on.