Apart from my hobbyist’s interest (of course) in weblog-related firing and work discipline, this story caught my eye.
Maybe it’s because in one of my most fabulous workplace fantasies, which doesn’t involve sex or other bad things, I’m hired by the company in question. As I have poured over their job listings and considered myself living the Silicon Valley life, I’ve especially relished the symmetry of my landing a job there. Afterall, they were instrumental in a huge misunderstanding in my life that’s helped push the California dream toward reality.
Of course, that fantasy also makes me shiver a bit, when I consider that of all the potential places in the world to work, those guys are probably quite capable of checking out this little pile of literary and creative excrement.
That realization is one that makes me flip flop on taking this site down. (I’m kind of banking on most people recognizing humorous writing and all and taking that for what it’s worth. Despite what the critics might believe and the stupid rantings here might suggest, I’m really all up in the mens sana in corpore sano thang, thanks for asking.)
It’s encouraging, since according to the follow-up here, the employer seems to have talked with the guy but not acted Draconian. I guess if you are reinventing the whole concept of information technology and how it works, you probably know a bit about the hyperbolic, truth versus fiction, opinion over reality kind of nature of the WWW beast.
By the way, I decided not to link directly to the guy’s site or the sites showing archives of the items at issue. I figure, what the hell, the guy’s clearly excited about his new gig but is trying to chill, why add to the links and ranking and all.
Although, I suppose I could have done what the cool kids will all soon be doing soon and tagging with search engines in mind.