Things I don't think I'll be doing in my 40s

I was just reading this wonderful news story about a coach and his 16-year-old bride. Jesus christ if I had a teenage athlete daughter in Hicksville looking to train with the big dumb goofy Coach of Hicksville, I’d get the hell out of Dodge and somewhere near a Swiss, convent-run boarding school.

The article got me rocking a pretty reactionary mood. Something like, there ought to be a law where pubescent girls are put on islands away from the menfolks until they are pre-menopausal.

The best thing about those kind of news stories with the advent of the world wide web are the comments. Any fuckwad with a half-brain believing in love gets to believe in love, eternal, everlasting and entirely creeped out.

One guy wrote:

I think that he showed terrible abuse of power in an authoritative position….however, with that being said, I’m a 40 year old male that is involved with a 17 year old female, we’ve been together for a year…it’s a great relationship, the communication is great, there is minimal generation gaps, and I don’t even come close to manipulating, controlling, or sheltering her from life, or acting as a father figure…I am highly successful in my business…while rocky at first, her parents are openly supportive of it…she’s living a normal life, on her way to college then law school….she’s mature and wise beyond her years….my point in this, is it can happen…..and happen succesfully

Apart from the complete lack of awareness on the how to and what for of the ellipsis, um, just “Ew.” Yeah, I’m going out on a limb and judging one of my peers.

I work with some very bright, very mature recent college graduates. Young men and women in their early twenties who are quite poised and interesting. There are all sorts of topics pon which we can talk, levels on which we can relate, blah fucking blah.

But, at the end of the day, they are HALF MY FUCKING AGE. Half. I am much closer in age to their parents than I am to them. They are starting out on their life paths, deciding on grad school or travel or regular working. Nothing about their lives is or should be set yet.

On the remotest, outside chance there was a non-creepy moment where we transcended frienship and considered a deeper relationship, I would be playing from a deck with more cards. No doubt. And, my deck would have the potential for high level predatory lechery. My deck would have 20 more years’ worth of acquired knowledge and experience.

And, if I was a regular person in my 40s, I’d think, “WHOA, Fucking, whoa, I don’t want to be Chester the Molester.” If I don’t feel that twinge, I am Chester the Molester. It ain’t love, it’s statutory.

5 thoughts on “Things I don't think I'll be doing in my 40s

  1. dave

    a man is as old as the woman he feels
    so please pass the 16 year olds
    its an oldy but a goody
    as a recently divorced middle aged guy
    forced back in the cattle market of dating i can empathise with wanting a young cutie to massage my ego but the reality is i got a few sympathy fucks off the 30 somethings
    desperate last chance fucks off the 40 somethings
    realy desprate fucks off the 50 somethings
    and bugger all but kisses and bills of the young and foolish
    so where does that leave me ? clueless mostly
    but fairly well fucked
    i still think at my age and affluence its better to kick back and let it happen rather than to constantly chase the ladies in the mad hope of getting laid
    posts a reminder to self to get out more and to try a diffrnt pub
    and im still waiting on the ring tone choice
    just what the fuck is bluetooth and these thingys that hang on your ear
    its hard being a technophobe
    love n snogs moi

    1. Dee-Rob

      Wow, Dvae. I had no idea you were so fuckable. Or, perhaps the ladies in your burg are just hot for electricians?

      I’m still working on a good ringtone idea. Something clever like “Fuck off you stupid git and answer the fucking phone.” Or maybe “twat” instead of “git.”

  2. dave

    i like the style but Dee surely you can come up with something witty and sublime
    and as for me being so fuckable well i have my moments helps that i live in the chavs heaven of swindon so there are plenty of strange women to chose from and belive me they are real strange around here

    anyroad on a diffrnt note i see mr timberlake has asked for anti fart pills to be supplied for his forthcoming tour this begs the question of just wht Dot has been doing to him during her nocternal sessions with the poor man or is it just nerves

    as fro the oldy \ young girlthing . a high court judge let off a 25 yo guy who had sex with a 10 year old because she looked 16 no that can never be right can it

    still muslims and mormons seem to get away with this shit all the time
    hangings too good for em unless you string em up by the nuts

    onwards n upards
    love n hugs


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