Things I've forgotten to mention

I get a tad obsessive when I dig into shit like my website. But, the world continues to turn unabated while I twiddle, as it were.

So, here are a few things I should have mentioned.

Zarqawi is dead. That’s good, right. No wait, it’s bad, because according to the pundits on the right I want soldiers to die, right? No, wait, it actually is bad, because who the fuck knows who’s next in line while we (the U.S.) metaphorically keep jamming the short stick into a wasps’ nest. No wait, it’s good, because he was a fucker of a guy afterall.

I feel saddest for Daniel Pearl’s dad. I get his frustration. Just like I get Cindy Sheehan’s. The whole thing just sucks so hard and long and horribly chockful of lying world leaders. And, down on the bottom of the food chain of people making shit up to go to war was their kids.

In other words, Ann Coulter should shut the fuck up forever and just go away. I don’t want her banned or harmed or otherwise done to so she can shrilly claim everyone is proving her point. Nope, just want her 15 minutes to be the fuck up already.

Here’s where her logic will always break down, but it relies on humanity, so she will never get it:

(1) The little people are allowed to say whatever petty little insults they can come up with against the mighty and powerful. The mighty and powerful have the might and power, so they can basically hum “sticks and stones will break my bones…” while doing whatever the fuck they want.

(2) You never know anyone else’s grief in the face of tragedy. You might know your own similar experience, you might have vast resources of empathy, but in the end we all have our own shit to deal with and no shit pile is quite alike. You never can walk exactly in someone else’s skin.

(3) If the little people are the victims of said grief, even if you’ve moved on already and don’t get it, you give them some slack as they shake fists at authorities against which they are trying to regain some potency in an impotent situation.

(4) At no time are the ones in power allowed to name-call the little guy. At best, it’s poor sportsmanship, at worst it’s tyranny. See “Let them eat cake,” as moment in bad PR.

(5) Roll ’em all together and you get want Ann can’t or won’t comprehend, a world where it’s just weird and painful for her to slag off on people who have a shittier life than hers.

I think in her world, if you call the President “stupid,” he should retort with “Oh, yeah? You’re a fat cow.” While all non-first graders would think not.

In short, and paraphrasing Abbie Hoffman, just fucking steal her book. If we all did take one, imagine the world.

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