I was reading some geek, tech newsletter or weblog or some other kind of new millenium news vehicle online, and I heard about this story.
It had me thinking on two different paths. One, is the whole thang I had a wee tiny bit of notoriety, namely my own weblogging alledged threat. I’m letting myself off the hook for two reasons, though. First, I didn’t direct anything threatening to anyone. And, second, my shit is clearly words for something like creativity.
I don’t think you can have a threat without actually having some kind of target, not an amorphous creative venting spree. The ‘blogging chick was threatened, and it was personal.
The more compelling thing is the parallel life I have lived to this chick, and every other woman I know, in the world of comedy. Not performing has given me a good hard look at shit I abolutely hated about the comedy scene.
The pattern is to go along with all jokes, developing an iron shell against some mighty fucked up stuff. Or, get the whiny label and the threats. That’s the deal, I think. Sophie or Hobbes or somebody with a choice or maybe a rock and a hard place.
Take this post from my friend about a night at an open mike. Some guys find angry misogyny a laugh riot. Or racist shit, anything stupid really.
Folks can tell you there’s acceptance or sexism is overblown. But, then some asshole writes about slashing your gash or whatnot, and you know it’s still a way of life.
It’s why I will likely never use my real name again on any comedy bulletin board or forum.