Not a whole lot of time to write. Gotta get on back to Nick’s ghetto and see what we abandoned. There was a point on Saturday where the consensus was like “Fuck, we’re done enough.”
The thing we can’t decide is whether to just leave it for Nick. Unswept, papers strewn, chaos and a need for a good vacuuming. Or, do we act like the civilized adults we are? There’re very good arguments on both sides.
Both of us like the rockstar fuck it fantasy, I think.
Meanwhile, we took yesterday off from thinking about San Jose. Too much to do here. It was Superbowl Sunday, and godamnit, what kind of Americans would we be to not watch it?
I think there was something going on involving Colts and Bears and Peyton Manning not choking. And, I totally want a name like Lovey Smith.
M. must be the one, since even after moving we’re still on speaking terms.