Tired, should be sleeping

Man, what a long day of mostly having fun. Doing three weekends in a row with these guys looks like it’s going to be bone tiring but pretty kick ass fun. Today was mostly just getting to know you stuff and improv games. I generally fucking hate improv, because it’s so fucking pointless. But, I don’t know, maybe because there is a point–building the characters for the flick–or maybe I’m just relaxed enough to cope that I was cool with it.

Shit, I hope that doesn’t mean I turn into a closet improv weenie, like this guy. Maybe next time I see him instead of drinking and talking shit, I’ll suggest a rousing game of zip, zap, zup. Followed by my stabbing myself in the throat and drowning in my own blood.

Meanwhile, I think I finally have a finished version of the postcard I’m designing for some comedy fellas.

Damn, I’m actually being productive, and I haven’t looked at a spreadsheet once.

Talk with me. Please.

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