
I’m so torn about whether to update this shit at all.

I’m responsible for it. The contents are all from my head. But, most of them are bullshit, hyperbole, rants, ridiculous over-the top crap. Like comedy. Real, but hyper-real, so not real. On stage and in some corners of cyberspace, you are inviting people in with the agreement that it’s performance. Only with that understanding, can you be free to really say anything.

Should I write about how some friends took me to Vermont, my first nude beach yesterday? And, that it was way too fucking cold to be naked (at least for me, but not for the guy who looked like Jesus with a formidable set of cajones). Or will this be seen as suspect, deviant?

I wanted this site to be public, as an experiment in self-publishing. But, I didn’t invite everyone here. Inevitably, some guests crashed or were invited by friends of friends of friends. But, then some people crashed without trying to figure out what was going on here. Do I write about that, or is the geni so far out of the bottle there is no fucking point at all?

Of course, I want most of all to pen some kind of screed, but I don’t have the guts.

Talk with me. Please.

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