Trader to my gender

Listened to the radio this morning, and heard a chick from EMILY’s List. Came home and heard the news about Maureen Dowd’s thang with David Geffen, loving Barak and hating on Hillary.

It is amazing that in basically what amounts to my adult life, thus far, with EMILY’s cranking up the year I graduated college, broads are actually not just allowed to vote. We gets to actually hold political jobs. Sisters doing it, don’t you know?

Cool, right? But I was listening to the babe on the radio talking about Hillary and women folks and politics and how much fucking money EMILY now has, and my feminist side started to fade into my cynical side. At the end of the day, it’s still politics as usual, ovaries and tits or no. It’s a victory to be sure. But, I ain’t so sure Hillary is going to be leading an estrogen army into the promised land.

I want to believe. I want to think think a woman can go all the way. Hell, I wouldn’t have imagined Pelosi in a position of authority, yet she’s gavel banging right now.

Hillary worries me, though. I might vote for her. My entire democratic, demographic slice of the pie chart might vote for her. But can she win?

If she can’t, and the trashing of each other, the blood sport begins 20 months out from the final dance, the left has learned absofuckinglutely nothing from FOX TV and Ralph Nader. We will eat our own.

Meanwhile the latest dickwad conservative, reincarnation of fathead Rush Limbaugh, yucking it up on CNN will be remixing video of Senator Rodham Clinton’s pant suits for months on end. ‘Cause, you know, subtext is any dame looking for power is some kind of dykish valkyrie with a bad tailor. No chance the election won’t lead to all sorts of feminist backlash hijinks humor from various and sundry angry pundits. Come on ladies, it’s a joke, keep your panties on and get a sense of humor.

I don’t want to hate on Hillary. I would be a voting fool, I think, if I lived in New York, voting up a storm for the senior senator. I’m currently living in the only state, maybe, with two whole Senators who are penis deficient. I love the ladies. Damn, I believe(d) in the ERA.

I’m afraid, though. I’m afraid that Women is Losers.

15 thoughts on “Trader to my gender

  1. Freemblap

    I like Hilliary. Unfortunatley, she has the personality of an irritated school teacher.

    Call it sexism, or whatever, but she has a perceived nastiness to her. I know I can’t call her a bitch or make any comments on her looks as that will clearly be anti-feminist.

    So she gets a free pass there. Just like her hubby got a free pass because women liked him.

    A less attractive president getting a beaner in the Oval office(my hero) would have surely gotten the wrath of women nationwide. But most were ready to push the “fat” Monica out of the way and form a line.

    I remember MTV’S rock the vote with candidate Clinton back in ’92 when a concerned young women got up and asked if he wore boxers or briefs. Way to be taken seriously. Next time just ask him if he wants to fuck.

    As for the ERA, they’re as full of shit as any other organisation that attains money and power. (see NAACP)

    Instead of focusing on the importance of “Person hole, not man hole,” the women’s movement maybe shoulda focused on little nuggets like equal pay.

    Women wanted the right to have a career if they so choose.
    Congrats, but now there is no choice.
    We all have to work only the chicks do it cheaper.

    And thanks to the thoughtful and creative work of “artists” such as Madonna, taking off your clothes say for a “Girls Gone Wild DVD” is empowering.

    Anyway, I believe that Hilliary at worst will serve as a bridge between old school, “Girls can throw a ball too” feminists and the next wave of women that are just doing.

    You think she wears a thong?

    You go girl!

  2. Dot Dwyer

    I’m still pissed that the ERA didn’t pass. I’m pissed that I’m a college graduate and I make a third of the income that my GED brother makes (I love my brother, I do!)I’m pissed that I couldn’t have it all. I think I’ll vote for Senator Clinton because I vote the party, but I do wish she would lighten up a bit . AND I wish she threatened to beat Monica up behind the White House. I love AND hate that young women have taken the hard won battles of Feminism to get away with wearing visible thong underwear and tatoos and regarding feminism like it’s a bad word.They take drivers licenses and credit in their own name for granted. They take birth control for granted. Oh Gawd. .. I’m sorry, I’ll sign off, because I’ll keep going . . .

    1. dee-rob

      Nah, Dot, please keep going. I need to hear the ranting from someone other than the voices in my head.

      There really has been a lot that has changed since we were wee little lasses. I only wish whatever factor that drives people crazy about Hillary wouldn’t make it fashionable to hate women all over again.

      If she can’t win, I guess I wish she wouldn’t run.

    1. dee-rob

      I’m going to assume “Cupcake” is Dot.

      And, I’ll answer for her. She may in the circumstances all knowledgeable women, who understand the value of foundation garments, would. I believe the original design was for the thongs to remain hidden, along with your panty line. It was a later innovation for thongs to become the visible fabric du whores.

  3. dvae see its spelt wrong

    naa taint me
    i am possibly the only man in the world who hates the bloody string things
    give me a nice french knicker anyday
    its the unfettered arse that turns me off wobbling in all its glory whilst that wee bit of string polishes the old chocholate starfish clean and bright
    nope sorry doesnt do anything for me
    and you know the only reason women have tattoos on there back is to distract the boy freind from admiring the fat celulite covered arse whilst hes fucking her doggy style
    as for wimmin and politics
    well maggy had balls of steel and history shows she did a good job
    well maggy 1 unions and argys 0 at least
    as for feminism i know where my bread is buttered
    i make all the important desitions im my house and Sally just points out whats an important desistion that i need to make
    oh and your spell checker dont wurk
    not that id use it

    anyroad off to France for the weekend
    can i fetch you anything
    wine lingerie letters

    1. dee-rob

      Bring me back some green tea soap. Them frogs make a good soap. Weird that they smell.

      Could you get Sally to email me? I wanna explain some stuff to her about guys like you. By that I mean good spellers, of course.

  4. Freemblap

    Back in the day, it was a Fredericks Of Hollywood/stripper thing and now it appears that all women under 30 are wearing them.

    I don’t want to think about what age they start.

    What I do find funny is that when these things are sticking out, you always see the tag. No one removes it.

    I don’t need to read the washing instructions on my underwear. It’s pretty simple. I’m assuming that’s the reason these tags stay, but a part of me wonders if some of these bomars leave ’em on so they can tell which is the back.

    There’s nothing truer than a saying I heard the other night that, “A 20 year old women can tilt a throne, but a women in her 40’s can topple it.”

    By the way dvea, Maggie was a bigger prick than Reagan and that says a lot.
    I’m not sure, but I don’t think I ever heard the word “cunt” before she existed. It may have been invented for her.

  5. Dot Dwyer

    Dee, I honestly thought that the use of the word “Trader” was a euphamism-That you are a “Traitor” to the cause of feminism and a “Trader” in the world of ideas and intellectual thought. Next time, I’ll call you on it . oxo-Dot

  6. dvae see its spelt wrong

    im sure Maggy was never racist (definatly a cunt mind )
    she fucked everyone over indescriminatly
    and the unions here needed a kicking
    but she got the economy back on track for the blaire\blurred
    generation to wallow in and fritter away
    as for old ronny rayguns what can i add to a leg end in his own lunch box
    Sallys a cheese eating frog surrender monkey by the way (real name Nathalie )
    and she will be in touch if she feels like it
    et vous coresponde al la france poi quoi ?
    and where would you like the soft soap sent
    love n hugs


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