Uncharacteristically base

I am so totally back from California. It’s fucking freezing in Boston, the kind of air outside that makes your lungs hurt when you breathe.

The other thing that reminds me that I am indeed home is bowel movements. I know, what the fuck is she getting all fecal about? It’s that travel thing, when your body says, “hey this is a different place, I don’t think I feel like shitting.” Maybe there was some shy bowely bit from being with M. But, he lived with me right before he left, and it seemed like we were comfortable enough with one another that shit happened, as it were. We weren’t all freaky comfortable, getting our scat on, just simple human beings living simple lives. Now that I am home, though, my bowels sense the freedom and move, baby, move. (Basically, this entire paragraph was an excuse for me to link to one of the baser human fetishes, because isn’t that what the Internet is all about. But, alas, it seems at the very least imprudent to link to a porn site while on the work computer, so I didn’t go there. Not to mention I don’t really want to see what that free trial tour would look like.)

I think the whole paragraph above is based on the interesting traffic a Google search can bring. Among the searches that have brought people here are “private homepage gay scat,” “‘bathed together’+’growing up,'”‘child free’+breeders+asia,” “keep my priorities straight at work,” “WACKY COMEDY” and possibly my favorite, because I would search it, too, “seconal valley of the dolls.”

I also like “brother sister story pics sally fuck -xxx -free -tgp -anal -incest” for two reasons. One, that is fucking specific. What is it like, you need an anal story w/pics, but even better would be if it was incestuous, but not just incestuous, but brother and sister. And it should be good. And, the sister’s name would be Sally, I guess (unless “sally” means something I haven’t learned yet, which is probably just as well, since I’m not that kind of a freak).

The second reason is because of the Sally part. Since it figures the Sally I know would turn up in fucked up searches.

I apologize to the entire Internet if anyone is trying to search for something useful (such as “Easy Glide Mop,” “fun surveys -paid” and “getting in the mood”) and found me instead.

Talk with me. Please.

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