First, here’s a hardy welcome to the world of writing meaningless thoughts on the web (Oh, wait, that’s just why I do). The newest on the scene, and one of my favorite Boston comedy folks is Dot Dwyer.
It makes me homesick reading up on her adventures in Beantown.
Not much else going on, except for completely random, incoherent, meandering thoughts inside my skull cavity.
Among the thoughts, I’m pretty sure that our fearless leader GW is saying that the leakers of CIA operative identity would surely be fired with the qualifier if they acted illegally implicates Karl Rove pretty damn good. Obviously, though, good enough to lead him into a twisted semantic game of what’s illegal activity.
Can you say cover-up?
(By the way, the Christian Science Monitor has a quick opinion piece by Daniel Schorr simplifying for even the biggest right-wingnut why Bush’s behavior is scandalous. It’s not a partisan issue when the Whitehouse lies, smears and covers shit up. The link is here (but bear in mind my ability to add links to posts is a tad messed when I post by email).)
Finally, with my precocious, pretentious vocabulary, I am stymied by one word, and I think we need a new one. The concept/word is that of love. Sadly, a word for which I have completely mixed emotions.
Seems kind of stupid and linguistically short-sighted that one word covers the howling, weeping, small feeling left in the wake of millions (OK, more like five) cruel guys, as well as family, friends and quiet domesticity.
Right now I’m going with the paradigm of”I wicked don’t hate M.”